Posts Tagged Onida mobile phones

Online mobile shopping,simplified

Shopping online…I thought it was scary. Just following the complicated maze of loging in and registering gave me goose bumps. I preferred braving the traffic, bargaining my throat out and paying atrocious rates for the product that I wanted. The latter option seemed a lot simpler than hours of fumbling with my keyboard and still not understanding the ‘simple’ procedures that let me buy the products on the shopping sites.
I kept hearing that electronics are available at subsidized rates online. I decided to check this out myself, just check out, as i hadn’t yet mastered the art of registering with these sites. I logged on to The site was interesting, and being the gizmo freak that I am, I spend a good few minutes feasting my eyes on some of the latest mobile phones. Out of curiosity, I selected the handset that I liked. The next thing I knew, I had purchased the mobile, it was that easy. This site spared me the task of logging in (though there was an option). As a guest, I selected the product, filled in the address, chose my mode of payment and in a few days was the proud owner of a new mobile phone. Sounds too good to be true ??? Check it out for yourself.

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