Onida G430-Style and substance

I was a bit tired of reviewing mobiles which were all no show-no substance. This time I decided to have a closer look at a mobile that was high in quality and low on price. I picked Onida, not just for a being a perfect package of looks and intelligence but because I personally believe that it has not got its due in the mobile phone market…yet.
I chose Onida G430. The phone has a neat, no frills look that speaks of reliability and being an Onida baby you can that they would not have compromised on quality.
As mentioned above, the frame is neat with a sleek n slim look. The display supports 65000 colors, so viewing images or video clips is a lot of fun. It has a round centralized navigation key which not only lends a chic look to the mobile but also ensures that it’s easy to operate. The keys to receive or cancel calls are located on the left and right side respevtively and the key pad has all the keys well spaced, so it’s easy to work your way around. Over all, its engineered to fit comfortably in anyone’s hand, be it a first time user or a mobile loyalist.
It goes without saying that this mobile phone is feature rich. Coming from Onida, they have done a fabulous job with its performance. This mobile boasts of a 0.3 MP camera, so you know that you can click at a moment’s notice if you have this mobile around. It’s packed with an audio and video player and a video recorder. For the music hungry masses, the mobile has an inbuilt FM and an MP3 player. The sound quality is astounding and the goodies don’t end here…you can store your tracks in the 1GB extendable memory using a microSD card along with all your other important data. The 60MB internal memory is equipped to store contacts, text messages, ring tones, images, videos clips, calendar, notes and other applications. Then there is the ever in demand…the internet surfing. With GPRS, this mobile is internet enabled; keeping you connected even when you are on the move. What more can you ask from this poor little baby???
Though it’s coming from a brand that’s already an established name in consumer electronics, the Onida G430 mobile phone is priced very sensibly. For prices and a better look at other Onida mobiles you can check out MobileNXT.com

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What is FM with RDS?

The market is flooded with mobile phones that boast of connecting their users to their music via MP3s and FMs. Lately FM radios have teamed up with a new feature called RDS in an attempt to provide ‘more’ to their users.
The RDS or Radio Data System is a communication protocol where information about the song keeps flashing on the screen while you listen to it. This is quite a common feature in the west, though only lately it’s managed to be a part on the mobile revolution in our country. RDS adds an extra zing to the joy of listening to your favorite track. As the songs play, tit-bits about the song keep flashing on the display which includes title, artist and name of the radio station along with time. This service is available only through GPRS. In the west, the RDS is used to get information about travel programs and traffic details, though in our country it hasn’t gained that importance. The coolest part is that if one is listening to a station which does not have a good frequency in the particular area, the RDS automatically latches on to a channel whose frequency is stronger and is airing a similar program.
The sad part is that not many people are aware of this feature even if it is a part of their mobiles. Also not every radio station supports RDS, at least not here in Mumbai. Since the feature is relatively new, it’s not found in every mobile. The few ones that support this are the Nokia N series, Sony Ericsson walkmen series and the iPhone. MobileNXT.com offers a closer look at these phones

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The smartphones, made for women

The Smartphone’s are no more limited only to men…women have also warmed up to this new genre of phones as their expectations from mobile phones have gone beyond the regular music and camera features.
The fairer sex tactfully avoids bulky smartphones as they occupy precious space in their already crammed hand bags and are of no use but as a heavy weapon against hooligans (they almost replace the pepper spray).They opt for smaller, more sophisticated smart phones. One of the current favorites is the Asus P320 that gained the title of being a ladies phone as the phone is powerful, intelligent and easy on the eye.
The feminine part
This phone has smooth edges, corners well rounded and a circular, easy to use navigation key. It’s a touch screen so quite a lot of fun to run over with a stylus, not to forget that it lends a stylish feel to the whole task besides being on the lighter side weight wise.
The intelligent part
This cute little PDA phone is internet enabled, supports MP3 and a 2MP camera besides hosting a number of others features like pocket office that includes Word, Excel, PowerPOint, OneNote, PDF viewer and a file manager. This petite piece ensures that you never get lost again with easy GPS navigation…It can’t get more intelligent than this.
The powerful part
The memory can be extended using a microSD card…so ladies, all your important data can be stored. The battery is well equipped to handle a nonstop conversation of 4 hours (nice right!!) and a standby of 200 hours (Not bad at all!).
This is just one of them; MobileNXT.com offers a better look at all the other Asus mobile phones.

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The Difference between GPS and A-GPS

I was initially very confused over this whole navigator thingy with GPS and AGPS, as in how can anyone find their way with a mobile phone. The little bit that I had understood was from the ads that I had seen on TV…about the lady being directed by means of various signs and arrows…seems cool but it still dint quite explain the navigation part using a mobile phone…and if just hearing about GPS and pondering over what was it was not enough, I started hearing about A-GPS…Nice …that really simplified what GPS was…
I read… tried to understand…asked questions…tried to understand and finally this is what I figured out..
GPS- The full form is Global Positioning System….This helps in precise positioning…of course the functioning is a little technical with the mobile receiving signals from the satellites, but operating it is a quiet easy, it shows your location and points arrows in the direction that you want to take along with mentioning the distance. Also you can locate near by shops, restaurants, malls,ATMs and hospitals. Its quiet cool to use …and of course you will not lose your way around.
Now the A-GPS…it is assisted GPS as in it uses an assistant server and hence the time required to find a location is a lot less than GPS. In case of GPS, there is only a GPS receiver and a GPS satellite but in A-GPS, the receiver communicates with the assistant server (that has high processing power) and connects with other networks, hence the processing rate is faster as compared to the GPS. OK…if that got too technical for your, then we will try getting this a bit more simple, A-GPS, because of a wider network of connections is a bit faster than GPS:)
There are various mobiles supporting GPS and A-GPS either in combination or just a single feature. Some of them are N95 8GB, Asus P750, Sony Ericsson P, Nokia 6210 Navigator, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Blackberry Bold, and Blackberry Pearl 8110 and if you want to find a few more of them, log on to MobileNXT.com

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Dance to the tunes of Nokia N96

My first impression of the Nokia N96 was that it seems a cross over between the iPhone and the Nokia N95. Since I bought my Nokia online through MobileNXT.com, I got to examine it closely only after it was delivered home. On a closer look I realized that this mobile possessed the most intelligent features of both the phones, minus their not-so-happening-features.
Out here we will scrutinize the music part of it especially since it also covers the most loved feature of this phone, its 16GB memory…
This sleek Nokia mobile phone is compatible with Polyphonic, Monophonic, True tones and MP3s. The MP3 feature is the hot favorite as you can make playlists and add the tracks based on genres, artists, movies etc. Besides compiling of all your favorite songs there’s also a section that includes all the latest songs played, recent additions and the most played songs. So choosing the tracks to be played gets simplified, besides being quick.
With the equalizer feature, you can also set it on Bass booster, Classical, Jazz, Pop and Rock, ensuring that you enjoy all forms of music. Since this phone is a precursor of the N series of Nokia, the audio quality is exceptional, but then u can’t expect anything less from Nokia!
How can we forget the FM? This phone supports 20 radio stations (We don’t have that many in the city, but a t least you won’t miss out on any new radio stations…as and when they come upJ ) so you are always connected to the latest releases and local news. The Nokia N96 also sports a good loudspeaker, as in the sound doesn’t break and the voice throw is commendable so sharing your music or the conversation is a lot of fun.
So the next time you need a retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, just plug in your N96 and let music take over.

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My new Bleu 470x

In college, I was delighted when my parents gifted me a new mobile phone. It was all I could ask for, as I had been feeling terribly left out. Barring me, my whole gang had a mobile. Better late than never!!! A few days down the line, everyone had my number from my relatives to my neighbors. But god was in a good mood and as soon as I got employed I was rewarded with a new number, the best part was that the company would pay the bill. Awesome:) Till it sunk in that this meant pooling in money for a new mobile and above all handling two mobiles. I couldn’t quit my first number, everyone had it as I had been using it for three year and the new number was already on my visiting card. Damn!!! Damn!!! Damn!!! I had heard of dual SIM phones, but I wasn’t sure if they would be feature rich and what if they charged a bomb?
I googled and came across mobileNXT.com. They had an entire range of dual SIM phones .Nice!!! I placed an order for Bleu 470x. If the convenience of getting the phone home delivered for just Rs.2 was not enough, the phone turned out to be a dream. Both my SIM’s are active at the same time, both have separate phone books, and the best part (though not so useful) I can call from one number to the other, within the mobile. Feature wise also the phone is well endowed. It has an MP3 player, an inbuilt FM, a 0.3 MP camera and the memory can be expanded to 1GB. WOW!! The icing on the cake…I could do away with handling two bulky handsets and instead flaunt this sleek phone and that too at an unbelievable price.
Wanna check it out for yourself… check out MobileNXT.com

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Online mobile shopping,simplified

Shopping online…I thought it was scary. Just following the complicated maze of loging in and registering gave me goose bumps. I preferred braving the traffic, bargaining my throat out and paying atrocious rates for the product that I wanted. The latter option seemed a lot simpler than hours of fumbling with my keyboard and still not understanding the ‘simple’ procedures that let me buy the products on the shopping sites.
I kept hearing that electronics are available at subsidized rates online. I decided to check this out myself, just check out, as i hadn’t yet mastered the art of registering with these sites. I logged on to MobileNXT.com. The site was interesting, and being the gizmo freak that I am, I spend a good few minutes feasting my eyes on some of the latest mobile phones. Out of curiosity, I selected the handset that I liked. The next thing I knew, I had purchased the mobile, it was that easy. This site spared me the task of logging in (though there was an option). As a guest, I selected the product, filled in the address, chose my mode of payment and in a few days was the proud owner of a new mobile phone. Sounds too good to be true ??? Check it out for yourself.

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