The Difference between GPS and A-GPS

I was initially very confused over this whole navigator thingy with GPS and AGPS, as in how can anyone find their way with a mobile phone. The little bit that I had understood was from the ads that I had seen on TV…about the lady being directed by means of various signs and arrows…seems cool but it still dint quite explain the navigation part using a mobile phone…and if just hearing about GPS and pondering over what was it was not enough, I started hearing about A-GPS…Nice …that really simplified what GPS was…
I read… tried to understand…asked questions…tried to understand and finally this is what I figured out..
GPS- The full form is Global Positioning System….This helps in precise positioning…of course the functioning is a little technical with the mobile receiving signals from the satellites, but operating it is a quiet easy, it shows your location and points arrows in the direction that you want to take along with mentioning the distance. Also you can locate near by shops, restaurants, malls,ATMs and hospitals. Its quiet cool to use …and of course you will not lose your way around.
Now the A-GPS…it is assisted GPS as in it uses an assistant server and hence the time required to find a location is a lot less than GPS. In case of GPS, there is only a GPS receiver and a GPS satellite but in A-GPS, the receiver communicates with the assistant server (that has high processing power) and connects with other networks, hence the processing rate is faster as compared to the GPS. OK…if that got too technical for your, then we will try getting this a bit more simple, A-GPS, because of a wider network of connections is a bit faster than GPS:)
There are various mobiles supporting GPS and A-GPS either in combination or just a single feature. Some of them are N95 8GB, Asus P750, Sony Ericsson P, Nokia 6210 Navigator, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Blackberry Bold, and Blackberry Pearl 8110 and if you want to find a few more of them, log on to

1 Comment »

  1. There are two types of AGPS – WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and DGPS (Differential GPS) of the two, DGPS (Differential GPS) is more accurate and it requires the GPS device to have a separate beacon receiver.

    Both work by taking into accounts timing errors from the GPS satellites and sending a correction signal.

    WAAS can be accurate to three meters though in some conditions it can make the position less accurate. WAAS is only in North America but similar systems exist around the world.

    Differential GPS is used in applications such as surveying and can have accuracy up to one meter.

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